Six films which bring an extraordinary new perspective to the enduring fascination of some of nature’s most intriguing creatures.  These intimate portraits from within the animal kingdom help us to understand just how the cat, dog, horse, lion, elephant and chimpanzee perceive their world.

A Cat's World
For four thousand years we have harboured a seasoned killer in our homes.  The cat first lived alongside humans in Ancient Egypt when the rat infested grain stores provided easy pickings.  Cats moved in with us and stayed.  A Cat's World explores the secret world of our beloved household pet.  Entering the mind of the cat we embark on a remarkable visual journey to learn how they really perceive us and the world around them.  Discovering the secret life of an animal we think we know so well A Cat's World unravels a world of vivid colours and extraordinary sounds where the instinct to prey is balanced by the ready source of food and comfort provided by humans.

A Dog's World
There is a ferocious predator in our midst.  A scavenger with an amazing array of sophisticated senses.  The dog is the wolf that decided to live with us.  A Dog's World explores the secret world of our beloved household pet.  Entering the mind of the dog, we embark on a remarkable visual journey to learn how they really perceive us and the world around them.  The dog has been our constant companion since time began.  A Dog's World reveals how the dog has evolved from hunter to domestic pet.  An animal that loves the structure of human life.  He understands our hierarchies.  He knows where he fits in and he knows who's boss.  He likes our smell and as far as he's concerned he's one of us.

A Horse's World
A Horse's World takes a look at life as perceived by this noble creature.  Domestication has done little to alter millions of years of genetic pre-programming – the horse is an object of prey and in his mind he's still surrounded by predators.  Run First, Think Later is his golden rule.  From their panoramic vision and the speed of copulation, to sleeping on their feet and the strategy of the herd, everything about horses is designed to minimise their vulnerability.  But this fearful animal now lives alongside a renowned predator.  Luckily for the horse he proved useful to man – without this truce his species wouldn't have survived.

A Lion's World
A lion can get through the equivalent of 100 steaks at one sitting.  A lion sleeps for over 19 hours every single day.  Lions can see around six times better in the dark than humans can.  To prove his strength a male lion must mate up to 50 times a day for as many as four days in a row.

An Elephant's World
The average African elephant will walk the equivalent of 14 times around the earth during its lifetime.  Elephants probably evolved from aquatic animals – it’s thought they may once have cruised the seas using their trunks as snorkels.  Elephants only sleep for about four hours a night.  A single adult elephant will devour 330 pounds of food in 24 hours.

A Chimpanzee's World
A chimpanzee’s genetic make-up is 98.5% identical to a human’s.  Although an adult male chimpanzee is only half the size of a human he’s up to five times as strong.  Chimpanzees are deadly co-operative hunters.  They will kill and eat monkeys and have even been known to attack baby antelopes. Chimps can make around three dozen sounds – about the same number as a human.